Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ready for a great week.

Ok, so I know I haven't been on here much lately- and I see I have some blog reading to catch up on! I haven't forgotten about those I've subscribed to (promise).

Just a quickie post- I went back to my first WW meeting last Thursday and did my initial weigh-in (which was kind of a "yikes" moment.) I decided I wanted to switch back to Tuesdays, so I weighed in today. I lost .5 lb. I know that's not fantastic, but it WAS less than a week since my first weigh in and I know I am not going to pull huge numbers this time around with WW. I am not making drastic lifestyle changes to cause a dramatic loss of any sort. I was already eating well and working out like a mad-woman!! I know WW will keep my eating more steadily on track though- That's just what weighing in on their scale does for me. Accountability, baby!

Anyway, I'm ready for a great week. I want to be sure to track my little heart out and see what I can achieve by next Tuesday.

Hope everyone out there is doing well with P90X, or whichever fitness plan you're following!


  1. Well doggies - you sound motivated. Are you counting your calories as well as points? I was curious to what your calorie budget was. I am REALLY trying to stick to a calorie budget but I need to pump up the self discipline.
    Anyways - just popping in to say hello and check on ya!
    I'm still healing but that shouldn't stop me from watching my intake.
    Later gator,

  2. Hey, I followed your video blogs on youtube along with fatasschalleng's. Always got a kick out of them. I am in my 2 round of p90x and am definitely going to do a third (not where I want to be yet). I have heard nothing but good stuff about WW, allot of people do really well with that. I need to get my diet dialed better too, it seems to be the one thing that holds me back.

  3. Thanks for checking in guys!

    Virginia- I don't specifically track my calories (since I stay within a points budget.) Tracking my points is enough!!! I don't even really like doing that! lol I've been doing well going back to WW though- I'll be updating on YT soon with my progress. :) Glad you're healing- the X won't know what hit it once you're at 100%!

    Rip- hey, thanks for checking in here and watching my videos too! I also love FatAssChallenge's videos... he and I used to write from time to time but he has so many subscribers I'm sure he has trouble keeping up with it all. lol Anyway, I'm doing well with WW- it's getting me back on track for sure. Hopefully you can get your diet in line. It really makes a big difference with the pace you can achieve results. If you keep bringin' it with the X AND get your diet right, there will be no stopping you!!
