Thursday, February 5, 2009

Me vs. the scale.

I haven't stepped on it in weeks again. I don't know why I get so scared anymore to do it. I used to be OBSESSED with stepping on the scale when I was doing Weight Watchers. I weighed myself in the morning, after I ate, after I worked out... countless times a day. Granted, that's not healthy and I realize it. However, it's funny how I've done a complete 180 and the thought of the scale (and the number on it) kind of freaks me out. I'm so afraid of what I'll see and that I will get depressed and non-motivated if the number is higher than I think it should be. I need to get over it and just step on the stupid thing. Besides, I'm rejoining WW within the next 2 weeks- so I'll be *forced* to get up close and personal with my little nemesis.

Workouts have been good this week. The Biggest Loser Bootcamp DVD is NO JOKE!! I am dripping sweat by the end... actually more than I ever did in P90X. Crazy.

Oooo I have another Food I LOVE!!


I loooove oatmeal. I personally prefer original/plain oats with just a little fruit or honey. I eat oatmeal or cream of wheat almost every morning. Anyway, here's just a quickie tip- not necessarily a recipe but something I like. I take an individual packet of original plain oatmeal and prepare it as directed (with about 1/3 C. of water or so.) After it's heated, add a small cup of ready-to-eat fat free or sugar free vanilla pudding. Pop it back in the micro for 15-20 more seconds, give it a stir and enjoy! It makes that little pack of oatmeal seem to go a lot further and adds only about 60-80 cals. You can also get creative and vary the flavors of oatmeal and pudding you use to suit your tastes. Guess I'm a plain Jane since I like plain oatmeal with vanilla pudding... but this keeps that cals down and tastes awesome. Yum!


  1. I just had a long conversation about the scale with one of my good friends, which has, in turn, caused me to quit focusing on the scale. Weight isn't important. If you are eating well consistently, working out enough, and constantly trying to improve your fitness...the weight takes care of itself. You are doing fine, Ang! Don't focus on the scale, just eat enough to have energy and workout the way you know how. You know the drill!!! :)

  2. Frozen Berries + Instant Oatmeal = Awesome Goodness.

    I usually about a handful (or so) of frozen berries, lately blackberries, some water and then just pop it in the microwave. This thaws the berries and cooks the oatmeal at the same time. So healthy. So tasty.

  3. Angelee -

    I came across your P90X videos on youtube, and they were really inspiring to me. I'm in week one of the P90X Lean. I have about 30lbs to lose, I guess. I'm not really stepping on the scale or anything; I'll know when I look good by looking in the mirror!

    Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you on how fat you've come. I know you've had some set backs, but you seem like you have a lot of determination, so I think you will reach your fitness goals this year.

    Also, I just wanted to mention that I was SO SURPRISED to read that you are 32 years old! I seriously thought you were 18! And you do have amazing teeth! I had braces for five years and my teeth still don't look as good as yours!

    Cheers, Elizabeth

  4. Thanks for your comments, guys! Anthony- I really am not going to obsess about the scale (like I used to) but I do find I need to keep track of the number at least to a degree to stay on track. It helps with my overall success. Thanks as always for the encouragement!

    Lucas: I looove frozen fruit! I always have some in the freezer, and I do enjoy it with oatmeal or cream of wheat (even with yogurt.) Frozen mango is my absolute fave to snack on. Thanks for checking in!

    Elizabeth: I'm soooo glad if my videos have helped or inspired you. I really enjoyed P90X Lean... also, if you start to get bored with CardioX (I did) consider swapping for Plyo. That workout is seriously no joke. And I had to smile when you said you thought I look 18. Holy cow! I'm creeping up on TWICE that age!! What a compliment indeed. Then the cherry on top was telling me I have nice teeth. You went ahead and made my head pretty large. :D

    Good luck to you with P90X... feel free to check in with me any time! I love to hear how people are doing on the program and their progress.

  5. Hey

    Found you videos on YouTube and I thought I'd join your blog. I totally know where you're coming from w/ the scale thing...I've joined WW countless times and it's always good at first but then if I have one or two bad wks I tend to beat myself up over know how it is. Anyway, I'm really trying to get over that now.

    For oatmeal another good thing I found if you like chocolate is I would add like a tsp of cocoa powder w/ a packet of splenda and maybe some berries or half a banana if you want and then you have chocolate banana oatmeal!
