Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I've got the illnesses!!

So, I've been sick since Sunday night. Not the "feel like I'm gonna die" sick, but the annoying "I'm incredibly tired/achy/clammy" sick. I've felt too weak to work out the past couple of days and it feels strange to not have broken an exercise-induced sweat lately. The exercise variety is much more satisfying than a sickness-induced sweat. That's just gross.

I hope I don't get too off track during this week. I fell asleep after work yesterday so I missed Weight Watchers- I plan to go tomorrow to make it up. This weekend (Fri-Sun) I'm supposed to be going with several girlfriends to southern Ohio for a spa-treatment getaway. It will be fun (provided I feel better), but won't really allow much time to work out. I just need to be sure I keep my nutrition in check since I won't be able to burn the amount of calories I normally do. I seem to be having a very hard time losing the pounds lately anyhow- I do have hypothyroidism, and I haven't had my levels checked in over a year. I'm going to go to the doc to be sure everything is still ok with that- sometimes dosages need to be increased or tweaked. I don't try to blame my slow weight loss on my thyroid at all... but it can definitely be detrimental if my thyroid hormone levels aren't where they should be.

I'm so happy spring is around the corner. Like, really happy. It really gets me down when winter weather extends all the way through April- and I truly hope that's not the case this year. I want to get going with this running thing. Mother Nature just needs to cooperate with me so I can hit the trails! *shakes fist*

That's all for now. Hope you all are well, and thanks as always for your endless support.


  1. Yuck! Illness is awful, especially for those of us who feel doubly pressed with time in not wanting to lose days on our workouts. Spring is definitely around the corner though...I don't think there are too many cold days left.

  2. I just found your videos while looking for p90 reviews. I'm so inspired....and off to read/watch more!! hope you are feeling better by now.

  3. Anthony- thanks as always for keeping up with me! And I agree, I think winter is well on it's way OUT and that is fantastic. It's been averaging 50 degrees or so here, and hopefully that number will only increase on into summer. No more cold or snow!

    And TriciaNae- I love if I have helped inspire you in any way through my videos- that is always fantastic to hear! And yes, I am feeling much better... I've kicked that cold right to the curb. Good luck with P90!
