Friday, February 13, 2009

Got my tickets!

So I ordered my Weight Watchers coupons a few days ago... they should be here any day. It's nice because my health insurance offers a reimbursement program for WW. I ordered an 18 week session for about $165, and I'll get $75 back when it's completed. Not too bad! I'm looking forward to going back to meetings... everyone in the room is going through the same struggles together and it's also motivating to hear their successes and tips. Plus I don't do much that gets me out of my apartment lately (since I quit the gym) so it'll be nice to do something that involves other people outside of family and co-workers!

This past week has not been a great one with workouts and eating. Several reasons: I worked late getting ready for a trade show several days this week... and since I'm starting WW next week, I gave myself a few eating freedoms before I start attending meetings. I know that's probably not the best thing to do (and I didn't go crazy or anything) but I just wanted to get it out of my system and start fresh with WW.

The weather warmed up briefly and quickly got cold again. It really made me want spring to get here. I can't wait to be able to ride my bike outside, and also try to get into a jogging/running regimen. It gets old being stuck in an apartment day in and day out.

I want to go out and buy some frozen fruit this weekend. Frozen mango is delish. I like to eat it with a little frozen Cool Whip Free. If you leave Cool Whip frozen, it's a reasonable ice cream substitute. It's cold and sweet, and kinda vanilla-ey. Works for me. :P

That's all for now! I'm excited to go back to meetings! Yay!!!


  1. Yeah can't wait to hear your progress. I always found the meetings good and motivating for me just b/c when you have to weigh in front of other ppl it really makes you want to do your best.

  2. I wish you success !!! I am a recent P90x blogger. Haven't started yet but setting things set up. It wont be all cute like yours - just basics as I dont know how much time I will have to blog. But just wanted to say hi !!!
    Any advice for a newbie is appreciated : ) I am lookng for the schedule of the dvds per week. Which ones to do each week.
    anyway, have a good one!!

  3. Jessica: yes, meetings certainly do seem to hold you accountable. I always weighed in on Tuesdays, so I found myself cutting back on food as early as Sunday. It really kept me in check. Weekends are always rough with eating habits, and having a weigh in early in the week is a good thing for me. I can't wait to go back!

    V: First of all, let me say if that is a pic of your body on your blog- you already look fantastic! Dang, I would be DONE if I looked like you!! lol P90X will just take you to a whole different level- you will see amazing results because you're already starting in good shape. The blogs are a good way to stay on track. The workout schedule for P90X comes with the DVDs... do you have the booklet? If you don't, I can send you the schedule.

    As for advice, you've already done one of the most important things which is take "before" pictures. You may gain weight, so seeing the photos is a good way to track progress. Also, many people doing P90X track their reps for each exercise to see how they progress throughout (I didn't do this). It's probably a helpful thing to do though. I think there are downloadable worksheets on Making the vids really helped me! I'm sure you'll gain a following. It definitely makes doing the program a lot more fun!

  4. Angelee: Yes that is me on the blog. I have other before pictures and I might make a few more without my head chopped off! At first I didn't want my face in it but I guess it's no big deal.
    I think WW is great. They keep adding things to make it different which is good. I love change. I have always counted my calories (well, not in the last year much, but I'm on it again. : ) Thanks for the add on here and youtube.
    I'll be shoutin out to ya when I get up the nerve to do my first video! I love yours - your so comfortable with the camera - I hope that happens to me.
    Now - you better be a good girl with your food today!!! Your my role model!!

  5. Sounds like a great plan! And don't sweat the treating yourself stuff. Once in a while, that's ok. You know how to moderate though. :) Weight Watchers is a proven success, so you will come out better on the other side, I am sure. I have started training for 10Ks now, btw. I am nervous. :)

  6. I certainly do have it within myself to moderate my food... I did it all through my initial run with WW and through P90X. I know I can do it!

    And as for you Anthony- HOW COOL that you are training for 10Ks! It has to feel awesome to say that to people, "yeah, I'm training for a 10K right now, so I gotta go get a quick run in." I would say it ALL the time I think. People would get sick of hearing it. lol Anyway, as always I am proud of you! Keep doing what you do!!

  7. Girl, give us a shout out about your intake. You doin ok? We know you want this!! Just givin ya a lil accountability!

  8. Ooo thanks for helping keep me in line!!! I'm actually doing really great with food. I probably had about 1200 or so calories today (I would say I've been averaging 1200-1500 all week) PLUS I've worked out every day. I'm going to WW tomorrow so I'll have my first "official" weigh-in.

    How are you doing? I saw in your latest blog that your back is starting to feel better and you want to start a modified P90X. It's great you're excited to start, but don't overdo anything with an injury!

    Thanks so much for checking in on me!

  9. Wow - your such a good girl 1200-1500 cals! That is tough. I know I have to do it to. If I just count them everyday that is a huge effort. Yes, I started yesterday! So far so good. I will make my first video this weekend - and give you a shout out of course! And yes I am being very careful with my back. : ) Thanks.
