Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Gripe Number One (non-weight related.) You know what I hate? People who constantly check their cell phone or text when they are with me. *Especially* if I don't know the person very well or it is a "first date/meeting" type situation. If the other person who is texting is THAT interesting- go hang out with them and stop wasting my time. It just seems like advancing technology has made people increasingly rude, and there's no excuse for it. If you would rather be alone in a room with your phone, go for it. Just leave me out of the mix.

Gripe Number Two (weight related.) I followed my diet plan perfectly and exercised like a beast since my last update on here and I gained. Maybe my diet plan isn't enough calories to support all of the cardio. I don't know. But I have this problem all of the time and it is beyond aggravating.


  1. I hate that shit too! It drives me insane. I've been known to get up and leave the person if they were out of control with it. It's an insult if you ask me.

    Hang in there with the numbers. You know it all works in the end. Don't focus from week to week. I found that to be aggravating because the numbers don't have enough time to change so much that it justifies the work. I do it bi-weekly at the most.

  2. Seriously, with the phone thing I can understand glancing at it every so often... but constant checking and/or texting is ANNOYING. The person I'm with might as well tell me I'm uninteresting. That's how they make me feel anyway. It's very rude.

    The numbers suck!! My Weight Watchers meetings are done in like 2 weeks, so after that I will probably cut down on the weigh-ins. Bi-weekly is most likely a better way to go, because I get in a bad mood when I weigh myself and don't see my hard work reflected on the scale. I feel like I do so much and I can just never get to goal.

  3. Hi, Angelee!

    I just started P90X, and your video blogs on YouTube were a huge motivator for me. I just wanted to say thanks soooo much, good luck with your current endeavors, and you are beautiful!!

    Check out my blog if you are interested....I'd love to hear any advice you have! xoxo


  4. Here is the blog address:

  5. Hi Terra!

    Thanks so much for checking out my videos and blog- I think it's awesome when people find them helpful. And thank you for the nice compliment! :) I will definitely check out your blog and give my two cents. :D
