Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Ok, I seriously need to stop splurging on weight loss stuff. For real.

What is this time, you ask?

A bodybugg.

Yes, the insanely expensive little device they use on The Biggest Loser to track calorie burn throughout the day. I felt almost pushed into it, because there was a sale that ended at midnight today- and I just found out at like 9pm! The sale saved me about $70, so it was pretty much now or never. My finger hovered over the "process" button for a while. It was still a pretty good chunk of money to spend and I was indecisive. But ultimately I clicked... and I know I'll be excited when it arrives. I just wrote someone back earlier today who was inquiring about my weight loss and my struggles. I specifically said I struggle mostly with finding the right balance between nutrition (calories) and exercise. The very words I typed just an hour or so prior to being on the bodybugg site played back through my mind... maybe this little device will be the answer to that very problem.

We'll see.

I ended up getting the armband, digital display, and 6 months of online access to their web site. You upload all the info from the device (calories burned, steps walked etc.) to the website, and you also enter the calories you eat. It's a basic calories-in calories-out approach, but in a high-tech, highly accurate way.

Once I get it and start using it, I'll definitely post a blog with my thoughts. :)

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