Friday, May 8, 2009

Well ain't that a kick in the pants.

Sooo... I was super excited to try out my new nutrition plan. I did a major splurge and started an at-home delivery service with chef prepared calorie-controlled meals. It's really expensive, but I thought I would give it a go, at least for a few weeks (or till I can't afford it anymore.) I received my first shipment yesterday. The box was HUGE and everything was packed and organized so nicely. I dove into the box and looked at all of my lovely meals and snacks and placed them ever-so-neatly in my fridge.

The pisser of the situation is that I've had a nasty cold for the last week. I ordered this food well before my cold hit. I was so excited to try out the meals (not to mention the amount of money I invested) and I CAN'T TASTE. I had this really delicious looking oatmeal this morning with apples and almonds. I can't even tell you if it was good or not. This angers me.

My body better kick this cold, and SOON!!!


  1. HAHA Ah, the qualms of fitness and sickness combos. Good luck on making that work!! I just started my running and P90X combined regimen, so we're all trying new things!

  2. I've spent the last couple hours watching your youtube videos, etc. (along with some others) as I am looking for some "female P90X" motivation. Ya know....something besides guys, even though I have 2 sets of friends who have done the 90 days with their husbands. If I can get my hubby dearest to do it with me, then great, but I still need some "we women can do this too" motivators! LOL one of your videos you said you finally got the Recovery Drink and I was wondering what you thought of it. Did you have more energy when drinking it after a workout? (I have 3 kids, homeschool, run a farm, work part-time in 2 diff. jobs, am involved in our church, and care for my father with Early Onset Alzheimer's....I need extra energy! LOL) I'm wondering at the statement that BB makes that is helps the body not to be as sore. (I haven't officially started p90X yet as it hasn't arrived in the mail.) Thanks for all your wonderful inspiration!!!!

  3. I'm so glad that my videos have helped inspire you! That's great!! And women definitely CAN do P90X- I myself am a P90X grad and there are many other women on YT who have completed the program. (Have you seen ToughGermanWoman? Yowza!) She got CRAZY good results.

    As for the Recovery drink- it does taste good and made me feel replenished... but I think those things can be found in less expensive recovery drinks as well. Clif Shot Recovery in french vanilla tastes awesome and is almost completely all-natural. I really liked that one and it was only $20 for a tub (Amazon). Different people seem to experience different things with the P90X recovery drink... some swear by it. I just didn't really see much difference energy-wise when I drank it as opposed to when I didn't. Not enough to justify the price of the drink anyway. (Just my opinion!)

    Good luck when you start P90X! Even though you are a very busy lady, make time for yourself to do it everyday and just BRING IT! You *deserve* your workout time- remember that. :)

    I hope you enjoy P90X as much as I did!
