Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello, fitness fans!

So I guess this is my introductory blog. I'm just going to explain a little bit about myself, why I'm here, and what I hope to share through my writings and ramblings.

Quick stats:
My name is Angelee. I'm 32 years old, I live in Ohio, and I've never been slim a day in my life.

Why I'm here:
I'm a (somewhat) regular video blogger on YouTube, and the support from that community has helped me tremendously in my weight loss efforts. I know several people from YT who post here, and they say writing out the blogs can help with accountability, plus it's easier than recording/editing/uploading a video every week. I think it will be a good way for those who want to keep closer track of me and my goings-on to check here. :) I plan to more closely document my nutrition and activity... my ups, downs, successes and failures. Any feedback I receive from others will be highly appreciated, and maybe something I do or say will help someone else along the way too. Nothing makes me happier!

A little background:
As I mentioned above, I've never been slim in my life. Granted, I am not an obese person... but I so want a flat stomach and thin thighs! I joined Weight Watchers in May 2007, and lost about 30 pounds in a year, getting me 8 pounds away from my goal. I plateaued for several months and was very frustrated. I quit WW in May 2008, and did the at-home fitness program, P90X. I loved doing P90X, and this is the program that introduced me to the wonders of video blogging and the AWESOME YouTube fitness support community. I definitely lost some fat and firmed up from P90X, but I put on about 10 pounds in the process. I had a rough 2 or so months with nutrition through the holidays... but since January '09 I've been completely back on the wagon! I'm sure throughout the course of my writings, I will detail more closely the workout programs I've done and my thoughts/results with these programs.

Another thing I hope to do through these blogs is to share some of my hints, tips, and favorite foods/recipes. These are things I can't really do on videos. I pick up a lot of great ideas through email subscriptions and from WW meetings that I would love to share! When it comes to weight loss, it's all about helping each other out.

What I'm doing now:
I am not on a specific workout regimen, I've basically been doing my own mix of cardio and weight workouts using my fitness DVD collection (which is becoming expansive!) I have been counting WW points again since the beginning of January, but have not yet rejoined meetings. I'd really like to though. I enjoyed the meetings and attending seemed to push me to take off pounds like nothing else does.

I am going to do an official weigh-in at the beginning of February, and I think I'll start recording my weight loss stats here. That might help keep me in line!

That's all for now. I'll return next week to update. :)


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