Fitness fears. I don't have many of 'em. I welcomed the P90X 90-day challenge. I kicked the crap out of Turbo Jam. I've also taken step aerobics, spinning, BOSU, bootcamp cardio, and various strength training classes- I've even been running a little this summer! With all of this being said, there is one area of fitness that has equally intrigued *and* scared the crap out of me. This particular area is... dance. It's a tricky thing for me, because I sincerely admire/envy those with rhythm and I get really addicted to any dancing show on TV. Sadly, I severely lack rhythm and grace. Well, I have decided enough is enough and I am going to give it a shot and not care if I look the fool. :) The first series I am doing is a fusion style dance fitness class- hip hop belly it's called. Should be verrry interesting! After this series, I may tackle ballroom. Again, something I'm totally intrigued by but have been too scared to try. It sounds like so much fun, and will be great exercise too!
My first hip hop belly class is next Tuesday (September 8th.) I'm pumped and I will NOT back out. Will not back out.... will NOT back out...
Right. I won't back out. :)
More later!